Web Developer & Teacher


I’m a software developer who loves the web and open source technologies. My aim is to learn the latest technologies and techniques in software engineering to improve the quality of the applications I develop and also make the process of programming enjoyable for people involved. I’m also a teacher, and I always try to transmit my enthusiasm for new technologies to my students. I like to participate in the community attending local meetups and conferences.


What do I do / know to do?

My main area is the web platform. I like to build and design web services, good API’s and complex user interfaces. I used to present myself as a full stack developer but right now I’m focused on the frontend world.

Which technologies I use?

I use JavaScript for both backend and frontend. In backend mainly Node.js with Express or Koa and MongoDB. In frontend (this could change more often) I'm working with the React stack (React, react-router, redux, redux-saga), Webpack for all the build stuff and Babel to compile.

What is my formal education?

I did a three years career in software development and design, on a state technology institute. There I learned the bases of development on C and Java and a good background in Information Technology.

How I learn new technologies?

I read books, ebooks and Medium posts about technology all the time. I follow the library creators and ask questions. I read long and exciting discussions on Github issues and stack Overflow. I never miss an Egghead.io screencast! (An usually take online courses when have time)

What am I learning now?

I'm currently very excited about the elm language. Learning also core functional programing, frp, RxJS and Cycle.js with no particular order.


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